Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nationalism and the Creation of Italy

After revolution's in places such as America, France, and South America, a new type of government was needed. Some wanted to bring back monarchy's to rule the people. Another idea known as nationalism was emerging among the people. This is the belief that ones loyalty and belief should be in the people who share common cultures. Countries should also become a nation state. Borders where made to separate these states, and all the people followed the same common rules.

The United States is a nationalist country. We have a common flag, a national anthem, and we all follow the same rules. Almost everyone in the United States share a common culture, whether it be religion or political views. Even though some may not be from the United States, they may have nationalist qualities without knowing it. Everyone supports there country in sports and other thing when nationalist. They all share a common history.

The idea of Nationalism helped create many nation states. Many empires where being torn apart by nationalist movements. The Russian and Austrian-Hungarian empire soon fell to nationalism. Italy was being ruled by Austria, and the people wanted a change. During 1848, many violent revolts broke out, and the people wanted a to make a nation state, although their attempts failed. It was a prime minister Camillo di Cavour who helped unite Italy and win its freedom as a nation state.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Simon Bolivar and Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was a famous liberator and military leader. His accomplishments helped free many South American countries from the rule of Spain. Simon Bolivar was born in Venezuela, where he received a well education after the death of his parents. He was also schooled in Spain, and traveled through Italy and France. There he became inspired by enlightenment thinkers such as Locke. He also traveled through the US, who had just won there independence. He was convinced that it was time that his country had its own revolution.
Simon started a revolution which led to Venezuela's independence in July 5th, 1811. After freeing Venezuela from Spain, Simon continued to reinforce his army and military power, and begin to liberate more countries. He then established the Republic of Colombia, and made himself president. He then continued to free more country's in South America, and by the end freed Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia.
Simon Bolivar is considered a great revolutionary hero for South America. He liberated almost an entire continent from Spain's control. Although he was not as good a political leader than he was a military figure. His Government rule was not so smooth, with many civil wars in his own countries. But he is still a great leader, and considered the George Washington of South America.