Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Treaty of Versailles (Ended WWI)

After the end of WWI, most of Europe had been in bad conditions. Many towns and city's where destroyed, and many where killed. A peace treaty called the Treaty of Versailles was made and proposed by the Allied Forces to Germany on May 7, 1919. The treaty, consisting of 440 articles, wrongly blamed all causes and effects of the war on Germany. At first, Germany had a large amount of complaints to the treaty. Most of Germany's territory was taken from them, and all of their land overseas was lost. The German army and navy was limited and bans where put on the use of heavy artillery, tanks, and aircrafts.
The treaty was signed on June 28, 1919, which is exactly five years after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Of all country's after the war, Germany received the worst treatment due to the signing of this treaty. They had to pay the allies money. This ruined Germany's economy and the country was not able to profit, therefore they could not save themselves from the bad economy. These treatments made Germany desperate and angry at the allied forces. They wanted change. Many believe that this treaty helped lead up to WWII, with Germany being desperate for change, and willing to listen to the Dictator Hitler and join in a war.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mustafu Kemal and the Modernization of Turkey

Mustafu Kemal has changed a lot as the President of Turkey. But he first started out as a military leader and hero. He helped with the Turkish national liberation struggle, and led his country to freedom while serving in the army. He then later moved to politics after winning the Turkish National Movement. In 1923, he established the Republic of Turkey and became Turkeys first president. During his 15 year run as president, he created a new government and many new rules. His plan was to modernize Turkey and give his country dignity and happiness. In his idea of a government, education and freedom played a large role.
Mustafu wanted to make the governments role in education important. He made faith in religion free to any person. Muslim, Christians, and Jews where able to practice their religion freely, and the government protected their rights to do so. He also tried to modernize the look of Turkey. He changed the calender to the western calender, and took away the fez hats and veils of women. The country went threw many social changes under his rule, most of which where beneficial. Not only was he the president, but he also served as the Leader of R.P.P, Prime Minister of Turkey, and Speaker of Parliament. He died on November 10, 1938, due to sickness.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Gandhi started his life not as a symbol of India's freedom but as a young Indian lawyer. Gandhi was a well educated man, but acheived little success. One of these was because of race. India was not in control of its own country, but controlled by the British. Gandhi had then moved to South Africa, but found himself a victim to prejudice and unfair law for him and his people. Over this course he had suffered many imprisonments before deciding to use passive resistance and civil disobedience to help his cause. He began to protest and campaign for India's independence.

Gandhi moved back to India to help free it of British rule using passive resistance and protest. Gandhi soon gained many loyal followers in India, and his actions soon became effective. He began to boycott British goods, instead encouraging Indian residents to make their own. Soon the British government began to get angered by Gandhi, and arrested him and his protesters on many occasions. Although the British used violence, such as in the Amritsar Massacre, Gandhi supported peace. Gandhi helped the people protest against British rule and the Salt March, when he protested the British salt rules. His followers continued to grow as he aged.

In 1947, India won its freedom from Britain, but only if the Muslim and Hindu cultures where separated, which was not part of Gandhi's plan. Later, he was assassinated , his death was an event that was shocking and saddening for many. Although he was a major influence on India's freedom, I believe that India would have reached its freedom due to WWII effect on Britain's power. But Gandhi did speed up the process of India's freedom and should be considered a hero.