Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

For a long period of time, Japan has been a country dedicated to isolation. They did not want to trade with any other countries and only worried with themselves. In 1853, European explorers such as Mathew Perry landed in Japan and wanted water and coal to trade. The Japanese where astonished by there technology. Japan was an archipelago, which is a small group of islands, so it would be easy to trade. The Japanese where very resistant to open up trade with Europeans. Many fought the Europeans because they did not want trade. But with the help of superior technology, Mathew Perry was able to force trade with Japan. This led to the fall of Japanese shogunates and the restoration of power for the Emperor Meiji.
The introduction of trade to Japan helped the country move towards modernization. Japans government was changed, and the country became more open to trade. Japan was being exposed to many other outside cultures and goods. All this helped the Japanese government expand. The population increased and s0 did industrialization. The Meiji Emperor had much less control than the shogun did, and the Meiji Emperor soon just became a figurehead. All of this led to the advance country japan is today.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx did not like the way the world was during the Industrial Revolution. He wanted a new form of government to rule. This is why he created and founded Communism. Marx helped make the Communist Manifesto, which set the basics for the rules and principals of Communism. He wanted to end Capitalism and Socialism and make all people share the same rights. He wanted an end of the bourgeoisie class system.
In Karl Marx's eyes, a Communist country was supposed to be ruled by its people. All people should have the same rights and pay no matter what profession. He did not like that some had power while others did not. All workers would share a common wealth with their bosses, and there would be no more class systems. Unfortunately his ideas where never truly used in Communist countries. In Communist countries, the people where controlled by strict dictators. Many of people rights where limited, and people could not speak against there government. The media was also being censored. Although his idea was never realized, Karl Marx is still the founding father of Communism.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Karl Marx and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Marx was a German thinker during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution caused many people to work hard in factories for little pay and harsh conditions. Marx was against this idea , and believed that the workers and bosses should have equal rights. Marx was against child labor and the unfairness that workers faced. Marx supported a communist society in which workers had equal right a pay as everyone else. He believed that workers should control the government.
Karl Marx dislike of the Industrial Revolution and the unfair class systems inspired him to make a new form of government. This was Communism, a system when all people shared common rights. In his eyes, the government should be controlled by the workers, and all classes should have equal pay and rights. No one should have advantages or better lifestyles than others, and should share the same wealth. Although his view of Communism was never truly used in Communist countries.