Thursday, November 6, 2008

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx did not like the way the world was during the Industrial Revolution. He wanted a new form of government to rule. This is why he created and founded Communism. Marx helped make the Communist Manifesto, which set the basics for the rules and principals of Communism. He wanted to end Capitalism and Socialism and make all people share the same rights. He wanted an end of the bourgeoisie class system.
In Karl Marx's eyes, a Communist country was supposed to be ruled by its people. All people should have the same rights and pay no matter what profession. He did not like that some had power while others did not. All workers would share a common wealth with their bosses, and there would be no more class systems. Unfortunately his ideas where never truly used in Communist countries. In Communist countries, the people where controlled by strict dictators. Many of people rights where limited, and people could not speak against there government. The media was also being censored. Although his idea was never realized, Karl Marx is still the founding father of Communism.

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