Friday, January 9, 2009

The Russian Revolution

WWI had an extremly negative effect on Russias economy. There where food shortages, population decrease, inflation, and many people where peasents. The government, and the Czar Nicholas II where unable to help the people. The people of Russia wanted a new form of government and a revolution. A revolution leader named Lenin tried to help the country. Inspired by Carl Marx, he believed in communism and spread it through Russia. The people wanted a new government. Inspired by his quote of Peace, land, and bread, they embraced the idea of communism

This started the Russian revolution. They removed their leader Nicholas II from power. This resulte in riots and violent demostrations. New people took government positions. This is known as the Febuary revolution. During a period known as the October revolution. During this, the Soviet Union was established. They got rid of the Democratic system, and set up dictatorship in the country. This resulted in the Russian Civil War.

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