Friday, March 27, 2009

Film: Night and Fog

Night and Fog is a 1955 french documentary film, showing the horrors of the Nazi concentration camp. The film uses still images and actual footage taken by German Nazis to describe the process of the Germans taking their prisoners to a Nazi camp, and the horrors that await them there. The film shows the abandoned Auschwitz camp, and each buildings dangerous purpose, each with gruesome results. The Jewish prisoners are forced to endure manual labor, but this is only a excuse for the Germans mass murder.
The chilling scenes of the actions carried out by the Nazis proves much more power full and disturbing than that of a Hollywood movie such as Schindler's List. The haunting images of the Nazi prisoners bodies being pushed by a bulldozer into a hole in the ground, and the disposal of thousands of bodies may be too powerful and real for some viewers. But the realism of the film is its most powerful feature, and depicts the events of the Nazi concentration camps much more than any Hollywood counter part.

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