Monday, April 6, 2009

NATO and the Warsaw Pact

After WWII, the alliance between the USSR and Western Europe and America used to defeat Hitler was broken. Tensions between the two sides once again increased. American and Europe did not want the Soviet Union to gain more territory, and spread Communism. They feared that another war may break out. America and Western Europe formed an alliance just in case of war with the Soviet Union broke out. This alliance was called NATO. It stood for North Atlantic Treaty Organization. North America would also help rebuild Europe with the Marshall Plan. The NATO pact became more important as tension increased.
To counter the NATO alliance of its enemies, the Soviet Union created an alliance between itself and its satellite countries. This was the Warsaw pact. It was signed in Poland's capital Warsaw. The USSR had military in other allied countries and kept them running Socialist government. NATO said they would not support any country who signed the Warsaw Pact. With these two alliances, both sides where prepared for war, and tension between them continued to grow.

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