Monday, May 4, 2009

African Independence

After WWII, Europe controlled many African countries. Some Africans inspired by American movements wanted to raise awareness of African culture and heritage. African colony's began to gain their independence. A nonviolent protester named Kwame Nkrumah helped Ghana gain its freedom from Britain. He also began to develop economic projects to help make Africa more advance. But these where expensive and hurt these countries economy, and failed to make the countries like Americas economy.
In Kenya, Britain did not want the African people to gain independence. Jomo Kenyatta was one of the leaders fighting for their rights. Another group known as the Mau Mau used violence to try to
scare the British. Kenyatta was not involved with this, but many where killed. He became president, and helped the country become more democratic. With many country's gaining independence, leaders such as Mobutu Sese Seko helped liberate the Congo, and the country's Algeria and Angola also gained independance.

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