Friday, September 12, 2008

Copernicus And The Trail Of Galileo

Before the scientific revolution, people had the belief that the Earth was the center of the universe, and all planets revolved around the earth. This is known as the geocentric belief. During the scientific revolution, a man named Nicolas Copernicus supported the heliocentric belief. This was the belief that the sun is the center of the universe. We all know this was the true answer. But he had little evidence of this at the time, and many people such as the Catholic Church had disapproved of this new belief.

Galileo had believed in Copernicus and his heliocentric beliefs. He later on wrote a book saying that the earth was not the center of the earth, and in fact the sun was. The Catholic Church had supported the geocentric belief, because of the bible saying that the earth is center of the universe. Because of there belief, they were angered by Galileo, and put him on trail. They charged him with going against the Catholic Church, and even planned on arresting or killing him. After the trail, he was put on house arrest. He was angered by this, but accepted his punishment.

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