Monday, September 22, 2008

The French Revolution

1) The people of France did not like that the Nobles and Clergy had to pay little to no taxes. There was a food shortage and taxes had been increasing. They also believed that the King was very weak and did not care about the people.

2) A French peasant would have a lot to complain about. There was a food shortage, and the price of bread had increased. The government was also falling into dept, and the people where being treated unfairly.

3) Source A shows a normal civilian or peasant carrying a clergy and noble on his back. He had to support the other two classes, and hoped that he would not have to soon. He hoped for a revolution.

4) The author of source B describes the lives of peasants to be very harsh and very desperate. The people did not have that much, but still had to pay 20kg of wheat, and three chickens as taxes. The taxes where difficult for them to pay.

5) Yes it does. It shows that the poor had a very hard life, and that they had to pay to support the rich. It shows why they would want to revolt against the rich and have a revolution to avoid the harsh times.

6) John Locke would be influenced by his work and follow him. He also does not like the old form of government and would embrace democracy for France and America. He had similar views for Americas government.

7) It was probably banned by the Clergy and Nobles and King, because they do not want peasants to revolt and want them to follow there rules. They wouldn't want the peasants to try to form a new government.

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