Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

After the French Revolution, Frances government became much more democratic, and the middle class and poor gained more power. But the new leaders did not meet all of the peoples expectations. King Louis XVI lost a lot of his power, and was afraid for his life. Radical clubs in France tried to take control of the government. They also tried to get rid of anyone in the old government. Using an execution device known as the guillotine, many where executed and publicly killed. After trying to escape France, King Louis XVI was charged with treason and killed.

After this, there was much fear in Frances government and the people. Maximilien Robespierre took control of the government after this. He wiped out and killed any trace of the old monarchy's. He closed churches and killed many people. He acted like a dictator, and his rule was known as the Reign of Terror. This is because so many people where killed by execution. He was soon killed and a new government was formed, which was much better than Robespierre's rule.

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