Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scientific Revolution: The Scientific Method

The scientific revolution began in the late 1500s. During this period, people like Isaac Newton and Galileo tested and found new scientific discoveries. Before this, people believed in the Bible and Greek and Roman methods to explain science. During the revolution, most of these where tested and new information was learned.

The scientific method was a way to prove or test something to find the truth of an event. It is an easy way to determine the truth without argument or dispute. It is much better than giving a statement without the truth or proof. It was used in the scientific revolution to find out and prove many statements to be true or false.

The scientific revolution consist of four main steps. The first is to diagnose a problem or occurrence u have a question about. Next is to compose a hypothesis, which is what u believe the outcome will be. Next is to use the hypothesis to test out your experiment and get results. Last is to make a conclusion of the experiment. People use this method to prove or disprove statements or event, and was very useful during the scientific revolution.

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